So, we have been in Moab Utah during the government shutdown. The town was empty for a bit. Then Governor Herbert met with the County and City Mayors to propose a solution to the Department of Interior.
A resolution was reached that the State will fund our parks and monuments for 10 days. Hopefully within that time The President and Congress will negotiate a budget with the Obama care issue.
I don't agree with all the political crap that goes on. I do know this health care thing is Obama's legacy. If it doesn't go thru what does he have. The steps to end the war in Iraq were in place when he took office and the Afghanistan war was already started. Even though Obama gets credit for ending one war and starting another.
He can't close Guantanamo bay, for reasons I can't disclose. When Obama ran he made promises based on information he had then. Now that he has access to more critical information, he knows that he can't. So, I don't hold him responsible.
Anyway finding fun things to do outside of a national park. This taken from the inside of the cab of the truck.

Going thru some State parks down here.

We are down here for the Moab Plein Air Art Festival. Fun times. Scott's been a painting and they are all turned in. We'll find out if he sold any or gets a ribbon tonight.
later....Scott didn't win a ribbon, but he sold 2 paintings Yah! I was so happy for him. It makes the treat successful.